zondag 1 juli 2012

Singing with: Jon Allen

A friend of mine suggested this singer-songwriter a few weeks ago. I'm such a type that immediately downloads all cd's of a unknown artist, in this case two and I have put them on my iPhone. While travelling to school with bus and train I met Jon Allen. His music is very nice, rock with some sadness. For a night on the couch with a good book and some background music, Jon Allen is very suitable. His music reminds me of John Mayer, one of my favorites. I shuffle my Jon Allen and John Mayer songs into a beautiful calm playlist. A small warning, after two hours of Jon Allen you should switch back to a happy Katy Perry song, because the chance that you hit a slight depression is relatively possible. The best songs are: Last Orders, Take Me To Heart, Young Mans
Blues and Dead Man's Suit. 

With love,


4 opmerkingen:

Minie zei

I love the song ... :)
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caise zei

nice songs:-)

pursuing poise zei

Good songs, I love this type of music. I'll be checking this out some more.


The Preppy Student zei

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